Wednesday, September 28, 2011



In an article by Melissa L. Nichols, Indie Slate magazine features the behind the screams details of the making of "Renfield: The Undead."  Due out on DVD this October (25th) and available now for presale at Amazon, the indie vampire film is the brainchild of Facades FX founder Phil Nichols.  On sale now at Borders, Barnes & Noble and Booksamillion. Or you can order your copy from the Indie Slate website.

Here is an excerpt from the article:
"Behind the screams:
     Renfield: The Un-Dead, the inaugural genre epic from Poison Apple Films (LLC), began its journey to the screen in 2004. A couple of things happened that year that set the wheels in motion. First, our sfx make-up lab & creature design company, Facades Fx was contracted to design and fabricate special effects and make-up for a new theatrical production of Dracula; and in addition to the sfx, Phil Nichols (founder and co-owner of Facades FX), who is also a classically trained actor, was cast as the character of Renfield in the play. And second, for many years, we had been slowly progressing toward founding our own movie studio, and making our own movies.  Who better to write and produce genre works, than sfx artists with a quarter century of experience on sets of every size budget? It’s a natural progression that many sfx artists make as they go through life, and so it was our evolution as well.
After 25 years of working on movies for other producers and directors, it was time to fulfill our childhood dream.  We had the know-how, the skills necessary to undertake the practical production, but for everything else we would need specialists who were looking to take the plunge along with us.  It took us five years to assemble the right team, develop scripts, build sfx elements piece by piece, and plan out what would be the first in an entire slate of B-Genre movies." - Indie Slate issue 62 "Birthing the Dark Child of Madness or Renfield: the Undead from conception to distribution, a REEL LIFE story by Melissa L. Nichols

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